Terramation is the legal process of composting the human body after death. It is also known as natural organic reduction. This process transforms the dead human body into useful nutrients. The process is done naturally without any use of chemicals. It is energy efficient because no energy is required. During this process, the body is sealed in a container. The container is then filled up with a mixture of decomposable materials such as sawdust, alfalfa, or even straw. Oxygen is then allowed to flow in and out of the vessel. An HVAC system is used during this process to ensure the oxygen is safe and clean before it is reintroduced back into the atmosphere.
The circulation of air in the containers triggers the microbes within the body to become more active. The microbes after being stimulated convert the body into organic matter. The Termination process needs to be monitored and controlled on a regular basis. After a month, the container is tilted and screened to get rid of any inorganic materials left behind. The inorganic materials can be medically embedded gadgets such as pacemakers. Any traces of bones found during the screening process are reduced into shards. The debris is placed back into the soil and left for a month to decompose. Many funeral homes can conduct terramation for instance terramation services in Sumner, Washington.
After the completion of two months, the nutrient-rich and fertile soil is returned to the family. The terramation is regarded as an environmentally friendly activity as no greenhouse gasses are produced as they may interfere with the ozone layer hence causing acid rain. The soil generated during this process contains innumerable nutrients which greatly help retain nitrogen in the plants. The soil can be placed on either public or private property if you possess the property owner’s permission. The family members after the completion of the process will decide on where to keep the terra mater soil.
The soil can be used in memorial gardens as it is highly fertile. Most families use the soil to create a memorial plant or even a flower bed and name it after the deceased. They can also decide to scatter the soil in one of their special places in the compound or the house. The soil can also be donated to lands that require revitalization.
Family members and friends can visit during the entire period of terramation. The terramation procedure begins when the deceased is bathed and dressed in cotton clothing and then placed in a vessel. The temperature in the container normally rises as the decomposition takes place. The terramation processes need to be legitimate before the death care industry can participate. Sensors tracking moisture are used to optimize conditions for decomposition. The results of this process resemble mulch.
Wrapping up
In conclusion, terramation is considered one of the easy ways to fasten the decomposition process of the dead body. The above article gives an outline of what terramation involves. Family members can decide to terramated, cremate, or even bury the deceased one based on their desires or the wish of the deceased. You should consider the method that you as a family can afford to give your loved ones a good sendoff. You should also take into account the wishes of the deceased when they were alive.