Sustainability is big news, and rightly so. Countless aspects of day-to-day life need to alter in order to reduce the impact we have on the planet. So much of what we consume, from food to clothes to enjoyment of nature is governed by the health of our fields and this is why leaders in sustainable farming are so essential to an environmentally stable future.
With various support being rolled out to farmers, below we look at how solutions offered by experts in sustainable farming can help.
Sustainable farming in practice
Sustainability is all well and good, but how can it work in practice? Take things like the fertiliser shortage that has plagued the UK for the last two years, thanks to complications around the import and export of goods. How much can leaders in sustainable farming like Verdesian Life Sciences help with this type of situation? The type of technology and insight offered by companies like this can have a huge impact. In this instance, harnessing knowledge from leaders in sustainable farming offers a myriad of ways for farmers to mitigate decisions made by others.
Simple, effective soil solutions
Simple things, like using soil conditioners can circumvent the need for fertiliser. By improving the structure of the soil and enhancing physical properties farmers see an improvement in yield and a reduction in harmful pollutants. Knowledge from these leading lights of sustainable farming builds on what we already know, such as adding sand and grit to improve drainage and introducing carefully balanced organic matter such as gypsum, lime and phosphates to increase the presence of nutrients.
What leaders in sustainable farming think about bio stimulants
Leaders in sustainable farming have also seen benefits from bio stimulants. Using extracts from seaweed, and other nutrient-rich plants, as well as amino acids and enzymes and proteins, means plants can maximise the uptake of nutrients from the soil. This in turn means that growth improved, and the plant is stronger.
Protection against climate shock
This added strength shows the potential to protect plants against climate shock – events like floods and drought. Because the plant is stronger, it has improved root strength and so is better able to tolerate fluctuation in growing conditions, which has to be good news when it comes to sustainability.
Choosing to work alongside farmers
Change cannot happen overnight and many leaders in sustainable farming understand that the solutions they offer have to be accessible. As different ways of working prove their effectiveness, so more and more farmers can follow the advice of experts and sow the seeds for a future that is less harmful, more productive, and of course, sustainable.